Thursday, October 16, 2014

Washington Children's Choice Picture Book Award

Every year twenty picture books are nominated for the Washington Children's Choice Picture Book Award (WCCPBA). Children in grades K - 3 are invited to enjoy the stories and then vote on their favorite title in the spring.

I use these titles primarily with the first graders. They allow me to expose students to current and diverse titles that connect to the library in many ways.
This week first graders enjoyed the story Sophie's Squash which connected perfectly to their science unit on plant growth. It also made them giggle and think.

To take a look at all the nominees for 2015 award, click here.

So far we've read these three titles:

 If the students had to vote today, I'd say the winner would be Nugget and Fang. If teachers were allowed to vote, it might go to Sophie's Squash.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Shop the Book Fair

Our book fair will be in the school the week of October 20th. You can also shop for books online between October 12 and November 1. These purchase will be sent directly to the school once the online sale is closed.

Click here to shop.